If you are searching for something new to get lost in, let me tell you about something by V. E. Patton. She has taken on the task of incorporating dragons, future (somewhat dystopic) Australia, a new, topsy-turvy world, in which gender roles are reversed, and the mythologies of the original people of Australia, and has incorporated them into a story filled with longing, adventure, love and hate. There are heroes and villains with unexpected powers at work in a world run by an unseen organization, which seems to be the embodiment of George Orwell's 1984. Ali and Merindah are unforgettable protagonists, as is the palpably evil Nina. Just forget about your present mundane existence, as you open up this new adventure.

Timothy H. Cook - author of The Book of Drachma fantasy trilogy

Veronica Strachan & V. E. Patton

Timothy H. Cook - author of The Book of Drachma fantasy trilogy

If you are searching for something new to get lost in, let me tell you about something by V. E. Patton. She has taken on the task of incorporating dragons, future (somewhat dystopic) Australia, a new, topsy-turvy world, in which gender roles are reversed, and the mythologies of the original people of Australia, and has incorporated them into a story filled with longing, adventure, love and hate. There are heroes and villains with unexpected powers at work in a world run by an unseen organization, which seems to be the embodiment of George Orwell's 1984. Ali and Merindah are unforgettable protagonists, as is the palpably evil Nina. Just forget about your present mundane existence, as you open up this new adventure.